
Carrier Services: Circuit
Billing and Ordering

Subscriber Services: Subscriber
Management and Billing

Mediation Services: Data
Processing and Prep

Subsriber Services
Subscriber Care and Billing

Management and billing for telecom and utility services, including elements for customer care, invoicing, network management, ticketing, workflow, CRM/prospects, online subscriber self-care, patronage, and service provisioning, as well as a mobile app and third-party financial, accounting, mapping, and management products.

Mediation Services
Data Preparation

Filter, process, track, prepare, and audit incoming usage records. Audit incoming records to gain the business intelligence, revenue assurance, and fraud detection you need to accurately prepare your records for downstream distribution. Mediation can be paired with subscriber and carrier services or used as a stand-alone for flat rates.

Carrier Services
Circuit Billing and Ordering

Standardized billing and ordering for circuits, Ethernet services, transport, Interconnect, and CABS. Create CSRs, manage your carrier contracts, and gain business intelligence through custom analytical and reporting tools. We also offer an array of other services to help you analyze and improve any aspect of your billing processes.

Delivery Methods


100% Web-based SaaS delivery. Software applications and client databases reside on hosted web servers and are accessed via a web browser or direct connection. SaaS environment provides data redundancy and robust security controls. Enhancements and software version upgrades are transparent to clients. Clients have responsibility for updating data collection changes or equipment upgrades, payment updates, manual usage adjustments, and monthly bill verifications. CDG's staff members perform support services and assist bill processing functions.

Outsourced/Service Bureau

For carrier services only, software application resides on remote servers. CDG provides general system enhancements and annual C/BOS version enhancements to comply with OBF mandates. CDG's staff provide support services, retrieve call detail records from clients' data collection devices and third-party sources, maintain rate tables, and complete tariff changes, system maintenance, and other related duties. Clients are responsible for advising CDG of data collection changes, equipment upgrades, payment updates, tariff updates, manual usage, and adjustments.

Global Services

From assistance in analyzing and improving current billing, reporting, or revenue collection capabilities to expert advice on ways to eliminate revenue leakage or increase company efficiency, CDG's global services provide the experts and revenue assurance tools needed to help you meet your goals.

  • Training
    Training for all aspects of CDG’s solutions. Customized training for all phases of the installation, implementation, and Go Live processes and beyond. Personal training sessions can be conducted at your office, our facility, or using web-based options.
  • Staffing
    Complete data entry, processing, invoicing, fulfillment services, and staffing for other OSS/BSS related tasks are available through CDG or our partners.
  • Filing Tariffs, ICAs, and Contract Audits
    Tariff, ICA, and contract support services. The complex processes involved with billing, tariffs, and carrier agreements can be cumbersome and labor intensive. Our wealth of resources and accumulation of industry knowledge can guide you to ensure 'tight' filings and constant revenue assurance.
  • Data Conversion
    Guidance and support for data mapping and converting existing databases to new billing systems, as well as data analysis to ensure accuracy.
  • Data Migration and Auditing
    Assistance with updating or changing application software and hardware; analyzing switch data; auditing data content, usage and usage billing; and identifying and purging unneeded data to improve efficiency.
  • Implementation Assistance
    Information acquisition and project management for all implementation stages. Data verification, release testing, information design and development, and current billing auditing. We have expertise in planning and executing large and small scale implementations.
  • Dispute Resolution and Collection and Settlements
    Advisory and intermediary services for disputes, collections, and settlements. We'll work with carriers and customers to resolve disputes, determine settlements, and obtain authorizations. Simple, automated collection services for processing manual collections.
  • Mediation Processing
    Mediation processing consulting services including VOIP, soft switches, file format conversion, toll distribution, switch settings, and CDR analysis. CDG's powerful Mediation system includes data collection and rating, usage distribution, usage processing to standard industry formats, data warehousing, fraud detection, and detailed reporting of all invalid toll dropped in editing.
  • Service Order Engineering
    Engineering expertise and knowledge to ensure accurate billing of service orders based on facility access circuits review, gap analysis, and ASR interpretation.
  • System, Personnel, and Process Performance Analysis
    Objective review and analysis of company systems, personnel, and processes.